January 5, 2023.
We hope it will inspire you to get involved.
Beth Stafford
Executive Director/CEO
This year holds two incredible milestones for me. The first is the 50th Anniversary of MACC Charities on January 19, and Lord willing, the second is my retirement from this beautiful work that I entered on May 3, 1999, and leaving on June 30, 2023. I will remain both a cheerleader and financial supporter of MACC’s good work for our neighbors who face challenging times, and I hope you will too. I invite you to participate in our year-long celebration of MACC’s 50th by sharing your good wishes with us on social media.
Shannon Baldassario
Assistant Executive Director
Chef Ferdinand Cruz
Community Kitchen Head Chef
Phil Leggett
Pantry Manager
They say chicken soup heals what ails you. The wonderful folks at Penney OpCo donated 31 cases of chicken soup to us, along with toiletries, scarves, and mittens, to keep our families warm, inside and out. We thank Amanda Savicki and Maureen O’Connor for delivering this incredible gift to share with our community.
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