by Chance | Feb 24, 2021 | MACC Minute
Welcome to the our weekly newsletter The MACC Minute February 25, 2021. We hope it will inspire you to get involved. News from our Food Pantry Last week MACC was the recipient of a generous donation from the Gentle Love Diaper Pantry. This Pantry is run by a young...
by Chance | Feb 18, 2021 | MACC Minute
Welcome to the our weekly newsletter The MACC Minute February 18, 2021. We hope it will inspire you to get involved. News from our Food Pantry EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT!!! February 20th, 2021 The Knights of Columbus Campbell Council #573 is hosting a...
by Chance | Feb 11, 2021 | MACC Minute
Welcome to the our weekly newsletter The MACC Minute February 11, 2021. We hope it will inspire you to get involved. The best memories are made around the table. Teaching your children to cook while assisting in the kitchen and eat as a family over a meal are...
by Chance | Feb 4, 2021 | MACC Minute
Welcome to the our weekly newsletter The MACC Minute February 4, 2021. We hope it will inspire you to get involved. “Peanut butter jelly time, peanut butter jelly time” (Buckwheat Boyz) but what good is peanut butter without the jelly? Growing up, my all-time...
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