January 19, 2023.
We hope it will inspire you to get involved.
Beth Stafford
Executive Director/CEO
The Beatles could have penned the lyrics “With a little help from my friends” for MACC. Nancy Simonds, a long-time friend, stopped to deliver the personal hygiene kits she made for the men and women MACC is sheltering at the motel this winter. Nancy’s thoughtfulness of others is the help MACC counts on to provide emergency assistance to people struggling with food insecurity, addictions, or housing issues. No act of kindness is too small, and we see #KindnessWin over and over.

Shannon Baldassario
Assistant Executive Director
Chef Ferdinand Cruz
Community Kitchen Head Chef

Phil Leggett
Pantry Manager
Meet Fred, one of our volunteers that performs food rescue. Fred drives from location to location, picking up extra stock from stores, and brings these generous donations back to MACC. Then we can sort and distribute these items to our families in need. Rain or shine, Fred is there to perform this vital function. Thank you, Fred.
Patti Thurlow
Operations Manager

Timothy Bohr
Community Outreach and Emergency Services Manager
It’s been 50 amazing years of MACC. On January 13, 1973, Manchester Area Conference of Churches began with a mission: Building Partnerships To Break Cycles Of Poverty In Our Community. We look forward to continuing that mission for many years to come. We are so thankful to everyone who has helped us get to this momentous day. All year long, we will honor the past that brought us here, embrace the present and all that we have achieved, and inspire the future so that our work may continue. Here’s to 50 more years of kindness and community! #MACCis50
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