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The MACC Minute November 3, 2022.  We hope it will inspire you to get involved.

Beth Stafford

Executive Director/CEO

Communities are stronger together and can better prepare when they get in front of a problem.
We are seeing a lot of new faces at MACC and are hearing the same from other agencies in the region that help with basic needs. Please help us get ready to meet the expected increase this winter by planning to share your extras.

Shannon Baldassario

Assistant Executive Director

Survey Says!!! Some time ago, we were like, “Hey, you know what would be fun? Asking our subscribers to take a survey for kicks and giggles, and then we would take the results and do something about it!” And by doing something about it, I mean improving what we already do! Click the button and give the gift of input.

Chef Ferdinand Cruz

Community Kitchen Head Chef

Meet Rosa! She has recently joined us from Coventry’s 18 – 21 RISE Program. Although shy at first, she has become an important and fun asset here in the kitchen. She has been helpful in plating and garnishing our hot lunches and has been extremely efficient when tackling little projects all over the kitchen. Welcome to the MACC Family, Rosa!

Chef Ferdinand, MACC Community Kitchen

Phil Leggett

Pantry Manager

Join the Knights of Columbus Council #573 at their drive-by food drive to support our Emergency Food Pantry; Saturday, November 12th, 9:00am – 12:00pm at the Parish of St. Theresa of Calcutta. Needed items are; instant potatoes, stuffing, gravy, chili, beef stew, mayonnaise, jelly, baking mix, peas, corn, peanut butter, ketchup, laundry detergent, and dish detergent. All donations are greatly appreciated!

Patti Thurlow

Operations Manager

Sometimes it isn’t volunteer, its voluntold. Doing community service, whether it’s for school or court, can be a daunting thought. We have many people come through the doors of MACC needing hours, and when we can, we welcome them in, get them trained, and they become part of our teams until their hours are done. Sometimes they even come back!

Hip hop for haircuts 180 barber shop Manchester ct

Timothy Bohr

Community Outreach and Emergency Services Manager

Did you know that MACC’s Community Outreach & Emergency Services goes out with and without our Police Department Outreach Unit numerous times weekly to look for and visit our homeless population? We also meet with various state and local agencies throughout the month to share information and best practices to address the needs of the most vulnerable in our community. 
Edited and designed by Chance Wetmore
MACC Charities Social Media and Systems Specialist

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