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The MACC Minute November 17, 2022.  We hope it will inspire you to get involved.

Beth Stafford

Executive Director/CEO

A thankful heart looks like this; a walk-in freezer alarm goes off early Sunday morning after a successful food drive for Thanksgiving on Saturday. Staff acted quickly to move the food, and nothing was lost. Our community partners were informed of the freezer issue and graciously offered to hold frozen donations until our maintenance company could repair the freezer.
#Kindness Wins, donate to MACC Charities

Shannon Baldassario

Assistant Executive Director

Join the movement and GIVE! Tuesday, November 29, 2022, is the biggest celebration of generosity anyone can be a part of. Whether it’s volunteering your time, giving someone a positive compliment, donating gently used clothes or groceries, or gifting a monetary donation to your favorite charitable organization, I hope you think of MACC Charities and give with all your heart!

Chef Ferdinand Cruz

Community Kitchen Head Chef

The holiday season is upon us. What are some of your holiday favorites? Making turkey stock has got to be my favorite process for the holidays. I di-bone the raw turkey and utilize the carcass for my stock! I use it not only in my gravy but also in my mashed potatoes, soups, stuffing, and our traditional Puerto Rican rice.

Chef Ferdinand, MACC Community Kitchen
MACC Pantry Manager

Phil Leggett

Pantry Manager

Thanksgiving is a time to look back and reflect on things we are grateful for in our lives. Even in the darkest of times, you can find blessings in life. Even though it may be hard to find, looking at things that bring comfort and joy in the present will inspire and bring hope that the future will be bright.

Patti Thurlow

Operations Manager

First Church of Glastonbury came in for their Mission Immersion Day, and the words they used to describe their day were “rewarding,” “fun,” “welcoming,” “a great experience,” and “what a great organization!” They came in and worked in the Community Kitchen and the Community Threads Thrift Shoppe, completing important hands-on tasks.
Want to volunteer? Click the button and connect today!
MACC's Elves are hard at work
Hip hop for haircuts 180 barber shop Manchester ct

Timothy Bohr

Community Outreach and Emergency Services Manager

Outreach continues to look for your support by donating any new or lightly used winter boots, gloves, hats, and jackets, along with items for use in homeless and shelter kits. The weather has turned to the cold side, and these items are needed now more than ever. Click the button to see our complete list of needs. Every donation helps.
Edited and designed by Chance Wetmore
MACC Charities Social Media and Systems Specialist

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