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The MACC Minute June 16, 2022.  We hope it will inspire you to get involved.

Beth Stafford

Executive Director/CEO

A new perspective is a gift. 
My accident six months ago, gifted me with a new appreciation for walking, for feeling good and for people who live with physical challenges. I will never take advantage of a handicapped restroom again, or resent handicapped parking spaces, or take walking for granted again. I am forever changed, more aware, grateful and thankful.
#Kindness Wins, donate to MACC Charities

Shannon Baldassario

Assistant Executive Director

Lutheran Church of St Mark in Glastonbury, CT, invited me into their place of worship this past Sunday to give my MACC ministry and elaborate on our mission to build partnerships. While on-site, I had the pleasure of visiting the Saint Mark Garden, where members are growing vegetables, flower, herbs, and spices for us to share with our families. #Community

Chef Ferdinand Cruz

Community Kitchen Head Chef

We provide our community with a well-balanced meal and water daily. MACC receives so many generous food donations that we are able to not only give our guests a lunch, but at times fresh desserts, pastries, breads etc. This week we were fortunate enough to receive 5 cases with beautiful heads of broccoli. Thank you to Whole Foods in Glastonbury!
Chef Ferdinand, MACC Community Kitchen
MACC Pantry Manager

Phil Leggett

Pantry Manager

The Knights of Columbus Campbell Council #573, will be hosting a drive-by food drive to benefit MACC Charities. This event is happening on June 18th, from 9am – 12pm. Drive through St. Teresa of Calcutta’s parking lot at 80 Main St. Manchester and drop of your non-perishable items. Items include: instant potatoes, mayonnaise, beef stew, snacks, baby wipes and canned pasta.

Patti Thurlow

Operations Manager

HEY EVERYONE DID YOU HEAR THE NEWS? MACC’s Lobster Roll Fundraiser is PRE-ORDER ONLY! Call 860-647-8003 ext. 13 now, leave a message with your name, number, and order total. Saturday, June 25th between 10:00am and 1:00pm, drive to 466 Main Street and pick up your build-your-own mayo based lobster rolls each with, chips for you to enjoy at home. #LobsterFrenzy
MACC's Elves are hard at work
Hip hop for haircuts 180 barber shop Manchester ct

Timothy Bohr

Community Outreach and Emergency Services Manager

In addition to seeing the flowers and plants blooming and thriving in our recent weather, we also see the return of our daily lunch clientele enjoying time together at our community picnic tables that are open during the lunch service. It’s refreshing to hear the small talk, laughter and observing the interaction of sharing a meal that is long overdue.
Edited and designed by Chance Wetmore
MACC Charities Social Media and Systems Specialist

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