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The MACC Minute July 14, 2022. We hope it will inspire you to get involved.
Beth Stafford
Executive Director/CEO
MACC’s “WHY” was a faith-based response to a social service need. The “WHERE” was identified as the greater Manchester Area. The “WHEN” was MACC being incorporated on January 19, 1973. The “WHAT” was to provide unmet Emergency Basic Needs such as food, clothing and shelter. The “WHO” was identified as the poor, hungry and homeless. MACC’s Five W’s are still its purpose.

Shannon Baldassario
Assistant Executive Director
Giving a shout out to Kwame with KSD Holdings, LLC. Kwame reached out to introduce himself and schedule a tour to see all that we do. He was able to visit each department and experience our work in person. Kwame met with staff and by the end, he was BLOWN AWAY! He even thanked us with a generous monetary donation.
Chef Ferdinand Cruz
Community Kitchen Head Chef
This week, I’d like to give a special shout out to one of our volunteers, Kyle Perras. His commitment and passion for assisting us in the kitchen is limitless. Kyle is always early and stays late to ensure nothing else needs to be done! He even asks about the next day’s tasks so he is prepared! Kudos to you Kyle!

Phil Leggett
Pantry Manager
Recently, I had an OTR (Over the Road) driver leave me a voicemail saying that he wanted to make a donation. Through our conversation, I learned that he had used MACC’s services in the past and now wanted to pay it forward. With an overstock of mayonnaise in his truck, he thought of us. Thank you Daniel for giving back.
Patti Thurlow
Operations Manager
MACC is always striving to improve our work, keeping our campus and equipment looking and functioning its best. The Hodgkin’s Team from Guaranteed Rate wanted to come volunteer, so I asked, “Are you interested in a project?” They answered with a resounding YES! This group of four painted our shed and made it look brand new! Thank you Hodgkin’s Team!

Timothy Bohr
Community Outreach and Emergency Services Manager
2594 Connecticut residents experienced sheltered and unsheltered homelessness in the year 2021. With this comes a multitude of services and resources needed to assist these neighbors in need. How fortunate are we that our Manchester Government recognizes and supports these services, allowing numerous agencies to work together to pave the way to a better future for all of its citizens.
Edited and designed by Chance Wetmore
MACC Charities Social Media and Systems Specialist
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