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The MACC Minute March 10, 2022.  We hope it will inspire you to get involved.

Beth Stafford

Executive Director/CEO

We cannot accomplish all we do on a daily basis without the support we receive from our community partners, YOU! Our guests need us more than ever before, on many levels. A daily meal, a weeks’ worth of food, utility assistance or support with resources and referrals. Our new style of living, may be a new style of GIVING. #KindnessWins
MACC Helps with Poverty
MACC Pantry Manager

Phil Leggett

Pantry Manager

March is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate trailblazing women. I would like to recognize all of our hard working women volunteers who put in countless hours making sure things run smoothly. They do everything from shopping, bagging and stocking to working directly with our families via phone or in person. I am very proud to work alongside them.

Shannon Baldassario

Director of Services

It’s a pleasure to be a recipient of the Warming Hands Warming Hearts Benefit. The East of the River Chambers of Commerce sponsored this event by collecting grocery store gift cards and monetary donations to assist families we serve with food, new hats, coats, and clothes for children. A yearly event to support the multitude of families in our community.
#Kindness Wins, donate to MACC Charities
Chef Ferdinand, MACC Community Kitchen

Chef Ferdinand Cruz

Community Kitchen Head Chef

“Next Wo-man up!” the sports analogy I use when one teammate is out and another teammate comes in to get the job done. This week is all about Peggy. Although she is not always here, she always steps in when needed the most. Her work ethic is infectious and her cheerful demeanor makes it even more enjoyable! Happy Women’s Month!

Patti Thurlow

Operations Manager

Give my volunteers in Community Threads a project, (I do give them a lot of them), and they step right up to the plate and work hard to get the job done! Whether it is sorting clothes, decorating, or doing the massive seasonal turnaround of clothes they put their heart and souls into it! “Volunteering is a work of heart.”
MACC's Elves are hard at work
Hip hop for haircuts 180 barber shop Manchester ct

Timothy Bohr

Community Outreach and Emergency Services Manager

One of the things I’m looking most forward to after freeing up time, is getting to know our daily Community Kitchen and Pantry clients. Everyone has their own journey, I want to hear their stories, share my stories and try to find ways to make their lives a little easier. Sometimes listening is all someone needs for a brighter day.

Chef Rasheen Mathis

Bistro on Main Executive Chef

I have enjoyed my experience working at the Bistro these first few weeks. Everyone has made me feel so welcomed and expressed enthusiasm for what I’ll bring to the kitchen. I look forward to my future with the Bistro and hope that I can leave a lasting impact on the community and patrons that enjoy and support Bistro on Main.

Bistro on Main lunch specials

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Edited and designed by Chance Wetmore
MACC Charities Social Media and Systems Specialist