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The MACC Minute July 28, 2022. We hope it will inspire you to get involved.
Beth Stafford
Executive Director/CEO
“See something. Say something.”
This famous phrase is accurate for one sharing awareness of a need as well as it does for identifying a safety concern. People want to help, and help can become more extraordinary than the need when connections are made and work begins. Don’t wait for someone else to act. Every connection makes for a stronger community.
Shannon Baldassario
Assistant Executive Director
What do you do with your business’s “FedEx to ship” rewards points? The staff at IMCORP of Manchester gave their points back in a big way. The total of their points transferred to $1,200 in Walmart Gift Cards. Members of the IMCORP team visited MACC and donated the cards to MACC’s Community Outreach and Emergency Services program.
Donate your points!
Chef Ferdinand Cruz
Community Kitchen Head Chef
This past weekend, I had the opportunity to work with whom I call “Weekend Warriors.” Our volunteers and I served up potato-crusted cod, pesto garlic gnocchi, roasted zucchini, and yellow squash. We finished it off with a drizzle of balsamic glaze and pecorino parmesan cheese. Not only was it volunteer approved, but it also received positive feedback from the community.
Phil Leggett
Pantry Manager
This time of year, farmers bless us with their harvest. They donate fresh veggies such as zucchini, summer squash, cucumbers, and peppers. These veggies help us supply much-needed healthy and nutritious food to the families we serve. Thank you to our local farmers for working to make this possible; all donations from home gardeners and farms are encouraged and helpful.
Patti Thurlow
Operations Manager
Summer is coming to an end soon, and back-to-school shopping will begin. For many families, buying new clothes for their kids to start the school year is just too expensive. Community Threads Thrift Shoppe is looking for your gently used kids’ clothing so we can help support families with their clothing budget needs and those who struggle getting kids’ clothes!
Timothy Bohr
Community Outreach and Emergency Services Manager
Did you know that each day, MACC’s Community Outreach & Emergency Services routinely visits individual community members that are considered “Literally Homeless?” This is anyone who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and also with those at imminent risk of homelessness, which is an individual or family who will imminently lose their primary nighttime residence within 14 days.
Edited and designed by Chance Wetmore
MACC Charities Social Media and Systems Specialist
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