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The MACC Minute April 8, 2021.  We hope it will inspire you to get involved.

 News from our Food Pantry

Hometown Supporters! Big Kuddos to the 2-man crew at My Papa’s Homemade right here in Manchester for donating 384 jars of their homemade pasta sauce. A shelf-stabled item most requested by pantry families. Their grassroots effort is growing locally and is now available in almost 200 stores across New England. This is the true meaning of local supporting local.

Beth Stafford

Executive Director/CEO

H-a-m-e-t-z is how Rabbi Konigsburg spells “blessing”. Hametz is food made with leaven, forbidden for use by Jews during the festival of Passover.  The Rabbi turned this religious restriction into a community blessing for the hungry, when he received written permission from members of the Synagogue to sell their “Hametz” to our Mayor, who then gifted MACC the proceeds $1,015


Shannon Baldassario

Director of Services

Got Game? MACC does thanks to CT Referral Partners. Join us, Thursday April 15th from 6:00pm – 8:00pm for some fun competition. Three rounds of general trivia will be featured, followed by their “Dynamic Wheel of Prizes!” Purchase your ticket donation of $50.00 per team and enjoy the event while supporting a great cause. Hurry and reserve your spot today!


Chef Ferdinand Cruz

MACC’s Community Kitchen

Between good tunes, sharing life’s stories and having a good laugh, we make it enjoyable for anyone who visits here. Taste-testing our hot meals has been critical for me and my volunteers. If its volunteer approved, it’s ‘gotta’ be good! Diane has become MACC’s official soup tester!! Here’s a fresh cup of my chili and the joy it brings!

Patti Thurlow

Operations Manager

UNDIES SUNDAYS! A growing trend with a lot of our member churches hosting a day of “Undies Sundays” where parishioners bring in donations of socks and underwear to help support our program assisting families in need of new undergarments. Shouting out members of Wapping Church, Avery Street Church, First Church of South Windsor as well as Emmanuel Lutheran! Thank you!

Mark Nadeau

Outreach Case Worker

Harsh realities of winter left many visiting the Manchester Warming Center. We are encouraged that only 2 individuals claiming to be from Manchester had not previously received MACC Services. We are thankful for the connection and the work has begun to break their barriers to housing. It’s our hope that come winter they are housed. If not, MACC’s still here!



Executive Chef Michelle

Bistro On Main

Who’s behind the mask?  It’s Michelle, our new Executive Chef. We are excited for you to both meet Chef and to stop in and experience her culinary excellence first-hand. Bistro’s mission continues to provide on- the- job training in the food industry. We are currently hiring front of house staff to strengthen our team. #Interested? Bring in your application.
Thank you to Paul Ofria for our new photos

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