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The MACC Minute July 29, 2021.  We hope it will inspire you to get involved.

 News from our Food Pantry

Our Emergency Food Pantry is running low on specific items that our families request. We are in need of canned corn, instant potatoes, stuffing, gravy, mayonnaise, jelly, ketchup, chili, beef stew, canned pasta, snacks for kids, canned fruit, canned beans of all kinds, baked beans, canned carrots, tomato soup, baby wipes and assorted toiletries (shampoo, deodorant).

Beth Stafford

Executive Director/CEO

“So, how are things going with you?” is a question asked by many whom both check in with me and one I ask of others these days. The best response I received was, “well, I had to close my business, but I have my health, I learned a lot, and remain hopeful something better will come from my experience.” #ChooseHope


Shannon Baldassario

Director of Services

Communication is key! The staff at MACC see one another at least five days a week. We all work in different departments and our hours vary. Much of what we do overlaps within each department. The best way to stay effective and get the job done is to all be on the same page. How do you best communicate with your team?


Chef Ferdinand, MACC Community Kitchen

Chef Ferdinand Cruz

MACC’s Community Kitchen

We are been back to serving hot lunches to both our community and our seniors for about a month. It took a few adjustments to transition from providing our guests with bagged lunches to serving hot meals. I am so proud of our dedicated volunteer groups! They ALWAYS step up to the challenge, no matter the task! Thanks kitchen crew!

Patti Thurlow

Operations Manager

I’d like to give a shout out to our Community Threads Angels.These volunteers come in six days a week to work in the store, help with sales, decorate, and assist our customers. They are a great team of volunteers that work together, and keep the store running smoothly. Community Threads would not be the same without them! Thank you!!!

Mark Nadeau

Outreach Case Worker

The Community Outreach department is gearing up now for its fall / winter season. We have begun getting ready for the colder season, and are requesting gently used winter coats, hoodies, sweatshirts, thermal clothing, and new socks. Bring donations to 466 Main Street, Community Threads Thrift – Stating the donation is for Outreach. Your generous donations are greatly appreciated and always welcomed. #CommunityStrong



Executive Chef Michelle

Bistro On Main

 Bistro on Main will be open from 10am-2pm Sunday August 1 with a TWIST! Offering hot dogs with chips and a beverage for take-out ONLY. Stop by and grab yours before they’re gone! Partnering with the Student Care Pact Group in Manchester to support their first project! This year marks the 20th year anniversary for this fun Downtown Manchester event!

Thank you to Paul Ofria for our new photos

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